Dactylorhiza hatagirea Ayurvedic is a sexual stimulant. There is very limited evidence reported in this context, it has confirmed the preliminary studies on its activities and the possibility of improving libido testosterone enhances the effect in mice.
Dactylorhiza hatagirea is an herb most Ayurvedic medicine prescribed to increase male fertility and virility. It has little or no evidence that the two studies evaluating these traditional affirmations stating that seem right, but can not give rise to other Ayurvedic herbs (which are more studies them).
The composition and safety of this herb is known currently.
Nucific Bio X4
What You Should KnowAlso known as
Lizard Marsh early, peace Panja, Hatta guidance, Orchid spot, Wang Lac, Lovha, Hathejadi, Panchaule, Airula
Dactylorhiza (spot orchid family orchids Orchid synonymous [1]) hatagirea is an Ayurvedic herb and aphrodisiac native to the region Himilaya (around altitudes). As it is well known for Vajikaran because of reported efforts to improve virility and ability power. [2] knows this plant in local areas and surrounding different names, such as Hatta guidance of peace Panja Wang Lac, Lovha, Hathejadi, Panchaule and Airula; [3] is used in medicine as a drink juice, which heal wounds, cuts, and gastritis [3] behind use it as an aphrodisiac [1] [2]
The basic story, like most herbs Vajikaran, seems to be used in some limited medical purposes but used only on the most sexual stimulant for men
2. inflammation and Immunlogy
2.1. Macrophages
The connective RAW264 isolated in the extraction of water from defatted dactylorhiza hatagirea able to increase the release of nitric oxide by about 161%. [2]
3. interact with hormones
3.1. Androgens
200 mg / kg of aqueous extract of male rats were given daily for 28 days capable of increasing concentrations of the hormone testosterone basal 2.33ng / ml for 9 NG / ml (386% of the baseline value; 286% increase). [1]
The study indicated that only an increase in the dose of testosterone to improve sexual desire grass
4. sexuality and pregnancy
4.1. concupiscence
200 mg / kg of an extract of the roots of lysophilized dactylorhiza hatagirea for 28 days able to improve male rats attractive to women (2.5 times) and was able to amend the Mount latency (reduction of 36%) and Cummins after ejaculation (36%) and to improve sexual desire suggests so.
Bio X4
There is an increase in penile erection index seen with 100 mg / kg of dactylorhiza hatagirea (defatted aqueous extract) daily for two weeks to rats, although this was less than the benefit observed with orchioides borivilianum Curculigo and Chlorophytum. [2] It has been suggested that in any other place, with 200 mg / kg of aqueous extract of the root of more than 28 days. [1]
It seems that they have a desire to enhance sexual characteristics, and compared with other herbs in the erection of the penis Ayuvedic index seems to be less powerful
4.2. Fertility
In male rats / kg of extract water from defatted hatagirea dactylorhiza oral 100 mg within two weeks amounted able to increase the number of sperm by 28.22%. [2] comparable to the same dose of borivilianum Chlorophytum, asparagus racemosus and orchioides Curculigo [2] power, but was not associated with increased fructose spermatids.
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