Tuesday 25 August 2015

Brain food for exams

Brain food for exams
Some foods can have positive effects on the brain. Eating foods that contain specific nutrients can help sharpen memory, improve the mood of the people and help to keep the mind active. Instead of grabbing a donut in the morning of a big test, and eating foods that increase memory function and improve the ability to concentrate.

Foods rich in vitamins Vydox
Vitamins are essential for a healthy body and brain. It helps to feed the brain and keep it active. B vitamins like folic acid, B12 and B6 play a role in the brain messages that are sent back and forth across the body work. Take a small lean meat, leafy vegetables or a cup of berries to help maintain concentration and more alert part. Bananas, nuts and seeds are also excellent brain foods to eat before taking the exam.

And it covers about 40 percent of the brain in a compound called DHA found in omega-3 fatty acids. Fat helps small messengers in the brain regulate aspects of the body such as blood circulation and memory and immune system. The total return for the brain, omega 3 fatty acids are essential and must be included in the meals, especially before the exam. Can a diet that includes herring, anchovies, sardines, salmon and tuna help improve memory and reduce the learning problems.

Eating the right carbohydrates before the test can be

Help you feel more relaxed and less anxious. Carbohydrates help absorb tryptophan, a substance that is converted to serotonin in the brain. Once the carbohydrate consumption, and increased levels of serotonin, a person may not be able to think more clearly for several hours. We found good sources of carbohydrates in corn, squash, beets and whole grains. Can a balanced diet that includes carbohydrates help reduce confusion and anxiety before taking the exam.

Protein is essential brain food. Once rich in protein foods, which are broken down into amino acids that help feed the brain are digested. Feeding the brain with protein will help keep you alert during the examination. Eggs, dairy products, dried beans, whole grains, green leafy vegetables, nuts are a good source of protein. Fish and poultry also contain proteins that can nourish the brain. Cut a small number of hard-boiled eggs and throw in a green salad, or eat a piece of whole grain bread with cheese to help improve the memory of the exam.

Examples of meals
It does not have to be a brain food and a meal before the exam. Eat small meals throughout the day can also help increase the energy the brain needs to function. In the morning before the exam, and set up with fruit juice such as pears, apples and berries mixed with whey protein powder and seaweed. Lunch can include lean cuts of meat on a bed of lettuce. Add some cheese, raw carrots, red pepper, drizzle with walnut oil. Eating a piece of salmon for dinner with a side of green beans, broccoli or cabbage steamed.

Easy exercises to lose belly fat and chest for men

Easy exercises to lose belly fat and chest for men
It's never too late or too early to start reducing fat loss. And having a lot of fat around the abdomen and chest puts you at greater health problems such as diabetes and heart disease risk. The fat burning in the body during the whole of his body in a pattern according to their genetic predisposition. However, you can find easy ways to lose fat in the abdomen and chest exercises for men. In men, it is the abdomen and chest contains more than fat, so when you start to lose fat, and most come from these areas.

Things You'll Need
Weightlifting belt
Workout clothes


1. focus on building muscles and exercises the heart and blood vessels. At a time we should focus on working on the chest and stomach muscles, and also must continue to work every muscle in your body. By increasing muscle mass through the whole body, increase your metabolism, which means your body burns more calories throughout the day. To exercise the heart and blood vessels, and running is the best type of exercise to melt the fat. If you have back or knees less than that, you can also walk or bike. Make at least 30 to 45 minutes without stopping the heart and exercises 3-5 times a week.

2. Use crunches to build and abdominal muscles. Falls on your back on the floor, bend your knees while keeping your feet flat on the floor and then fold your arms across your chest. Raise your upper body slowly toward your knees to lift your shoulders about six to eight inches from the ground. Maintaining the summit for a second time and then slowly

Lowering your shoulders back to the ground. Perform 3-4 sets of 20-25 repeated three times a week.

3. Implementation of leg raises to tighten the lower regions of the abdomen you. Leg raises to focus on the lower abdominal muscles. Lie on your back with your legs straight, but knees bent slightly. With your hands at your sides, and slowly raise both legs off the ground about eight to ten inches. Hold for one second and then slowly lowering your legs until your feet touch the ground. Perform 3-4 sets of 20-25 repeated three times a week.

4. perform regular push-ups to help ease your chest and abdomen. Pushups are great exercise to help build muscle in the chest, shoulders, arms middle. Whereas in push-up abdominal muscles remain contracted position, and give them a workout muscle steady on. To implement, down on your knees, put your hands on the floor shoulder-width apart. Then stretch your legs with your weight on your hands and toes. From this position, slowly bend your elbows and lower part of your body down, keep your back straight, even an inch of land. Pause for one second and then pushed to the starting position. The performance of many repetitions as possible for three to four sets twice a week.

5. Implementation of standing push-ups to help tighten the chest muscles below. This is easier to perform than pay regular operations and should be done after payment of regular operations. Finding a strong control in your home that is at least waist. It takes two or three steps backwards to the point where you could lean forward and put your hands wide shoulders on the counter and support the body weight. With your back straight, slowly lowering your body until the bottom of the counter edge touch the chest. Pause for one second and then pushed to the starting position. 20-25 repetitions 3-4 performance groups twice a week.

Foods rich in vitamin D, and E

Foods rich in vitamin D, and E
Vitamin D, and E are essential nutrients that play important roles, but different in the body to maintain good health. Vitamin D of the need for bone health, while vitamin E works as an antioxidant protecting cells from free radicals. If you are trying to get more of these vitamins that dissolve in fat in your diet, and we know what foods are good sources can help.

Foods that contain vitamin D, and E
Very few foods contain all the vitamins D and E. and is likely to find these nutrients together in fortified foods. Almond milk, for example, is naturally rich in vitamin E, but some species also add vitamin D to be more convenient alternative to cow's milk. Fortified breakfast cereals are also a good source of essential nutrients. Moreover, the food fortified with vitamins and minerals bars and drink mixes with the food additive, you can provide all the nutrients.

Foods rich in vitamin D
Dietary supplements office reported that vitamin D is found naturally in very few foods, and that may be why it's hard to find all of the vitamin D, and E in foods that are not strengthened.

Fatty fish, such as sardines, salmon and tuna are the best natural sources of vitamin D. Egg yolks, liver, beef are also natural sources of vitamin D, but in smaller quantities.

Most people in the United States to meet the needs of vitamin D fortified foods such as breakfast cereals and milk the cow, and the Office of Dietary Supplements reports.

Foods rich in vitamin E
Vitamin E is found in a wide range of plant foods, including nuts, seeds, and leafy green vegetables. And include the best sources of fat-soluble vitamin wheat germ, almonds, sunflower seeds and peanut butter.

Most people meet their needs of vitamin E that use vegetable oils such as sunflower, corn, soybean oil, says the Office of Dietary Supplements. Broccoli, spinach, mango, tomatoes also contain small amounts of vitamin E.

All meals
For vitamin D, and E in a single session, and the combination of foods that contain nutrients. At breakfast, and enjoy the peanut butter on whole wheat toast with milk fortified with vitamin D. It can include lunch provide nutrient-rich tuna sandwich with milk fortified with vitamin D and fresh mango. At dinner, consider almonds covered with salmon service. And it may include other good groups omelet stuffed with spinach, and a handful of almonds with a glass of milk or tuna cooked in safflower oil and served with broccoli beef.

The best foods to eat to lose belly fat

The best foods to eat to lose belly fat
Weight loss and fat in the abdomen can be difficult. Find natural ways to lose weight can be more difficult. Especially with pills and fasting that claim to help people lose weight without publicity stunts effort. There was no research about the best foods to eat to lose belly fat. Fortunately, people can lose fat easily and naturally the abdomen, and follow a simple strategy for losing weight.

Get enough of the water
Water is vital for weight loss because it moisturizes your members and internal body organs. The endocrine system, for example, regulates metabolism. When the endocrine glands, and it is working properly, causing their metabolism to speed up, causing weight loss is easier to hydrate. Drink at least 64 ounces of water a day to make sure that the metabolism of your operating at full capacity. Although the juice, soft drinks and milk contain a proportion of water, and consume only pure water to take account as necessary fluids. Soft drinks completely avoid because usually contain sugars and empty calories or artificial sugars do not moisturizing body


And it can hinder weight loss.

Eat well
And saturated in the American diet with unhealthy foods high in sugar, salt and fat, which increases the rise in obesity. If you are serious about losing weight and fat in the abdomen, solved the food industry and packaging fresh food store such as fruits and vegetables, lean meats and whole grains such as oats, grain and meat. These foods give you more energy and keep your body fueled. It also helps your body to burn any excess fat and calories. Make your purchases along the perimeter of the store, usually containing products, meat, and avoid sections that offer canned foods.

Get physically fit
Weight loss is easier when fitness and exercise are concerned. When the body is moving, and is burning calories. Regular exercise plan, exercise 30 minutes a day helps the body to burn excess calories and fat. Participation in the exercise program that will make the heart rate and increase lean muscle mass rate, such as jogging, walking, swimming or biking. If you choose an exercise that you enjoy, you are more likely to stick with it. Exercise three times a week to start, and gradually increase the daily frequency. Listen to your body. If you feel that you have to slow down or you can safely push yourself more in your practice, then do it.

Eating tips and exercises to get rid of fat in the stomach

Eating tips and exercises to get rid of fat in the stomach
Excess fat around the abdomen puts you at greater risk of serious health problems such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Even if you are in normal weight usually leads to excess fat around your weight increases the risk, so take steps to lose belly fat can give your health - and your self-respect - a strong boost. While your genetics determine where fat is stored in the body, and not a means to reduce the spot, there are still some things you can do to get rid of belly fat and keep coming back.

Reduce calories Vydox
You must create a calorie deficit to lose fat. Every pound is equal to 3,500 calories, which means that you have to burn 3,500 calories more than you consume to lose 1 pound of fat. If put himself in the daily deficit of 500 to 1000 calories, you can lose 1-2 pounds per week. Your metabolic rate account and then have their activities and exercises into account when determining the amount of calories you need to consume every day to reach equilibrium. From there, the reduction of consumption required to create a deficit. Remember that your body will lose fat in places you want in the order you want. If your stomach is primarily developed in fat, it is probably the last place you lose. Do not let this be difficult, however. Just understand that you may have to work a little harder for a little longer to get rid of the fat around the waist.

Avoid foods that lead to fat storage in the abdominal area
While genetics largely determines where your body stores fat, you can minimize the potential for gain fat in the abdomen

Avoid known to move the food store across the belly. A study in 2010 in "Nutrition Research" that eating foods that contain a high proportion of sugar in the index in the blood, such as those containing sugar and white flour can cause fat storage in the abdominal area. The researchers found in the University of Buffalo that alcohol consumption can also lead to the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area. And found the results published in the "Journal of Nutrition" in 2003 that those who drank wine had less fat in the abdomen, while the majority who drink alcohol. Abdominal fat level of the participants associated with the amount of alcohol consumed regularly.

Daily exercise
And regular exercise helps your body to burn excess fat around the abdomen and maintain. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise cardiovascular intensity each week. Regardless of how the break to put pressure on the heart in your schedule as long as you do it. If you are able to practice only in blocks of 15 minutes, and that's okay - not just 10 blocks along the week. Increase training lean muscle mass resistance and fire up your metabolism. This makes it easier for your body to burn fat and harder to win. ACSM suggests that the adult weight training 2-3 days a week, using a variety of equipment.

Maintain cortisol in check
The stress hormone, cortisol, has been strongly bind to fat in the abdominal area. In a 2008 study in "Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism," the researchers found a strong correlation between cortisol levels than girls suffer from excess weight and increase fat in the abdominal area. Similarly, I discussed the study in 2011 published in "Obesity" How are affected by stress and cortisol levels of visceral fat in girls Hispanic. Made available to participants who have high levels of stress associated with the school are also high levels of cortisol and fat in the abdominal area. Proper diet, exercise and meditation are all effective ways to reduce cortisol.

How to eat foods that burn belly Fat

How to eat foods that burn belly Fat
Have learned the optimal way to burn belly fat? Do you think you can lose belly fat by eating fat? That does not seem possible, or not? According to (and experts), including the editors of Prevention magazine, this is very possible. There are some foods you can eat fat in the abdomen and burning away without doing crisis. These foods target the abdominal area of ​​women, and if you included in your diet (at each meal), which can easily burn fat in the abdomen.

Things You'll Need
Seeds and nuts


1. To understand what is known as "MUFA". MUFA stands for monounsaturated fatty acids. This type of fat is a healthy form of fat that will focus on abdominal fat and. MUFA should be included are the "good fats" in each meal to make this work plan. There are five main groups of MUFA from which you can choose. Each detailed below.

2. Choose one of the many available MUFA oils for cooking or add to their creations. You can use any of the following oils in their food to burn belly fat: canola oil, olive oil, safflower oil, linseed oil, sesame oil, peanut oil, walnut oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil and pesto sauce.

3. Choose the right seeds and nuts they contain monounsaturated fatty acids. All of these nuts and seeds burn fat in the abdomen and can be eaten mild or added to many recipes meal: Almond Butter,

Natural peanut butter (smooth and crunchy), butter cashew nuts, cashews roasted sunflower seeds toasted, roasted peanuts, pumpkin seeds toasted walnuts and Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts, pine nuts, walnuts, macadamia nuts, pistachios, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and sesame seed paste (tahini).

4. Add avocado on meals to burn fat in the abdomen. Include either Florida or Hass avocados in many different inputs to incorporate these in your diet MUFA.

5. Eat plenty of olives. Selection of black olive green and black olives and olive paste tapenade or olive green and watch belly fat disappear.

6. Include MUFA chocolate in your diet plan to burn fat in the abdomen. Choose from a semi-sweet chocolate chips and dark chocolate chips or pieces or chips to add this belly fat delicious all of MUFA to burn.

How tone the stomach Swimming Pool

How tone the stomach Swimming Pool
Swim in itself is effective to build strength and tone in the stomach, especially when it is a butterfly, noon and dolphin kick underwater, but you can also integrate additional swimming exercises that emphasize specifically the muscles in your stomach. To build a tone, and the start of the exercise with swimming strokes AB- toning and then move on to exercises such as baseline-buster, as the tread, roll otter and wave generator. Do you practice three days a week.

Swimming techniques
Labour ABS and obliques with workout consists of a butterfly, noon and dolphin kick underwater. It begins five minutes before swimming free light to heat their muscles. Complete five sets of 50-meter butterfly. Between each set, the 50 meters underwater dolphin kick. Rest for two or three minutes and then five sets of 50 meters breaststroke. Again, add in the 50 meters underwater dolphin kick between each set.

Vydox Do Not Get Trapped

AB- Buster stroke
AB- Buster's career, you need a pair of flippers and traction Blackjack. Put the wings on an equal and tighten pull buoy between her thighs. Arms outstretched in front of you, hands together, kicking dolphins swimming along the back. Pressure on the Blackjack and the use of their legs to push your body

Through the water, increasing the demand for abdominals and obliques. Continue in two sections of the pool.

K- Tread drilling
K- tread exercise strengthens the muscles in the arms, back, chest, buttocks and legs, but also works as abdominals must be employed to keep the trunk is still in the water, while the limbs move. Jump to the deep end so it can not touch the bottom of the pool with their feet. The hands of the cup and make small circles as you lift at the same time reducing their legs. Keep the legs straight and make them work in rotation, so that when the vertical limit leg, the other leg and contributes to the high notes to become horizontal. Continue treading water for 30 seconds. Do three sets.

Otter roll
Roll otter exercise works both abs and obliques as they twist around his torso against the resistance of the water. Floating on his back while hugging a beach ball in the chest, holding the legs together and extended. Roll right and put the ball under the water as it moves up and over it. Complete a full turn, then roll in the opposite direction. Exercise performance for 30 seconds, alternating the direction of the roll. Do two sets.

Wave Maker
To make swimming wave generator, and wear a pair of flippers on his feet and stick to the edge of the pool while lying down with legs stretched out behind you. Keep legs and feet together as you try to make big waves kicked performing dolphins. It lasts for 30 seconds, and complete a total of two sets.